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School & Library
Storytelling Concert

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…I liked all the stories you told. I hope you can come again.

From your Great Friend Claire

…I like your stories. I liked when Hilary talked on the intercom. I also think that Billy was a bag of mischief. I think that Mr. Hosenfeffer for a Principal’s name is strange. If I was Hilary’s mom or dad and I heard that the principal’s name was Mr. Hosenfeffer, I wouldn’t like my kids going to that school…

Lee-Anne, Grade 3

…I like the princess who loved frogs. I like the sproing sproing sproing. I said sproing too. Thank you for telling us.

Your friend Jenny

…Your stories are the absolute very best. Please come again…

From Connor


Kathy has become one of our most popular presenters…She quickly garnered the students’ attention and held it fast through a series of funny, sweet, surprising and inspiring stories. She even entranced jaded junior high students with captivating tales… Her versatile repertoire of original stories and traditional folktales creates a very Canadian multicultural experience for her audience…

Stephanie Gregorwich
Executive Director
Young Alberta Book Society

…The children learned a lot from your humorous stories that relate to real life.

Edmonton Public School

…Kathy has performed twice at our county library. On both Family Fun Friday occasions she proved herself to be a confident and polished storyteller whose original stories appealed to children and their parents. She uses humour and her own family’s experiences to shape a story that keeps her audience enthralled…

Children’s Services
Alberta Public Library